Ingela P Arrhenius (1/4)

De Zweedse illustrator Ingela P Arrhenius heeft een voorliefde voor ontwerpen uit de jaren vijftig en zestig en dat is terug te zien in haar werk. Haar vrolijke tekenstijl kun je bijna overal tegenkomen – op servies, posters, prints, houten figuren of in een museum. In dit gastblog vertelt ze over haar werkplek en de spullen die ze daar verzamelt. 

first studio

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in studio

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Ever since I graduated from art school, I have always had a studio. Working from home was never an option. Having colleagues to have fun with, as well as get advice and inspiration from – and advise and inspire, too – has always been important to me. My first six years after graduating, I was part of a freelance illustration community; there were about ten of us sharing a couple of floors in a very old building in Old Town, Stockholm. It was a very educative experience for someone fresh out of school.

After maternity leave, I changed group and met new illustrators in another community. I was part of that group for another six years and liked it a lot. But I felt that it would be fun to share space with people who worked in other creative fields and were not only into illustration. After moving house and having two kids, I wanted a workplace that was closer to home and was lucky to find a lovely big studio nearby. This place has a mixed group, not just illustrators. There are graphic designers, photographers, authors, interior designers and more. It’s a big studio, and I share a room with a graphic designer. And it is SO good that I have my one space now because I have A LOT of stuff.


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My collection has grown with each relocation, and it now feels like I couldn’t possibly move again. I want to be surrounded by things that make me happy and that inspire me. But my shelves are so full now that I couldn’t squeeze anything more into them. The last things I found were a Batman and Robin, and they were so nice that they just HAD to move in, but they are definitely the last! I think…

What do I have on my shelves, in the corners, under my table? I have loads of books, mainly vintage children’s ones; my own products which I designed for different companies; vintage wood figures; designer toys; boxes; etc etc. When children (and adults) come into my studio, they often stay for a while just to look around. Sometimes I feel embarrassed, a bit like a hoarder, but I need these things (at least that’s what I tell myself). They are part of my job and work process. And as I mentioned before, they make me happy, which is certainly not a bad thing ☺

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