Anisa Makhoul (2/4 )

Illustrator Anisa Makhoul verzorgt deze maand ons gastblog. Haar tekeningen kun je onder andere terugvinden in de verschillende werkschriften van het Flow Mindfulness werkboek.

I thought it would be nice if I gave you a tour of my new studio. Part of the incentive for me to move to Portland from Amsterdam was that I would have a new house.

Our house was finished last June and we were able to move in after a long wait.  My favorite room is my studio, it’s open with concrete floors and floor to ceiling windows facing the south.  It’s a L shape so it’s hard to photograph, also on the day I took these picture we had some unexpected sunshine in Portland, it’s very rare.

This is where I spend the majority of my time.  I like to draw with pencils or calligraphy pens, and paint with gouache, ink, or acrylic. I mostly don’t keep sketch books unless I’m traveling. I prefer to make a bunch of drawings, and tape them to the wall. I work with my drawings in photoshop and I find that having them taped to the wall, lets me see everything I have without toggling trog folders.

You can see my cat “Happy Kids T.V.” (my son named her when he was 4), showing you the butterflies I did for this month’s issue of Flow. She’s a Devon Rex cat and she likes to come to my studio and find things she can attack.

Thanks for stopping by my studio. Next week I’m going to introduce you to some of my friends.

Want to see more of Anisa? Go to her website or follow her on Instagram.



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